Parish Hall Refurbishment Plan

Refurbishment and renovation of the Parish Hall was one of the key priorities highlighted by the Parish Plan.  A development team was set up to seek grants and raise funding through events and activities.



Much progress has been achieved and funds secured.  


The hall kitchen was completely refurbished in 2010 including new units, worktops, ovens and a warming cabinet.  New lighting  and ceiling tiles

have been installed in the large hall and an outdoor play area created for the pre-school.


We have received some generous grants and donations for the extension

and refurbishment. We have recently been awarded £1000 from the

David Laing Foundation, £1000 from Maud Elkington Trust, £1500 from

Constance Travis Trust, £50 from Sir Derek Greenaway Foundation and

£7171 from South Northants Leisure Trust. 


The path to the tennis court has been re-laid and a root barrier installed

to prevent further damage to the court.  Next year we hope to improve

the front of the hall with some planting. A prize of £500, awarded for

environmental improvement, was won by Roger Clarke and will be used

for this project.


New UPVC doubleglazed windows have been installed to replaced the draughty old louvres, not only has this made for a smart external appaerance but has significantly added to the comfort of hall users.  Over time it will also reduce our heating costs.