Neighbourhood Watch

Please be vigilant and continue reporting any suspicious incident/persons/vehicles straight away on 101 – don’t wait! 


If offenders are nearby call 999

  • You can also use the new Police mobile app Police.UK to report non-emergency crimes, access the wider services available on the national police website and look at neighbourhood policing information which is available via the Your Area pages.

You can still reportonline at

  • Facebook:  The police don’t monitor Facebook pages. If in doubt report what you are concerned about to the Police, not just Pattishall Community Facebook page

If you would like to receive up to date information it is easily accessible by:


  • Joining our email loop - Contact the Coordinator
  • Pattishall Parish Website - There is a quick link to the NHW page
  • Facebook - PattishallParishNeighbourhoodWatch


Linda Hemming (NHW Coordinator)


Tel No. 07756 027051

From PCSO Matt Taylor

Giving information anonymously


The current matters of priority for Northamptonshire Police are:


·  Violence against women.and girls

·  Drug harm

·  Serous and organised crime

·  Serious violence


In order to address these keys issues we need the support of our communities. 


You can give information to us via replying to.this message, or by contacting, the charity CrimeStoppers.


Young people in our communities can do the same at Fearless, which is run by CrimeStoppers but more suited to secondary school aged children.


PCSO Matt Taylor 

Towcester Rural East

South Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Team 

School Parking


We are receiving a number of reports raising concerns about parking around schools.


The Highways Team at West Northamptomshire Council have a resource for schools called Road Safety Heros, a fun and exciting package where primary school children can get themselves involved in promoting road safety to the wider community.


You can also find advice about parking outside schools on our website at:


Most parking or waiting fines are now enforced as a civil matter, rather than a police matter. Enforced by Civil Enforcement Officers who work as a contractor to West Northamptonshire Council.


However, any solution needs to be long term and sustainable. If any school would like further information about the Road Safety Heros, please reply to this message.


PCSO C7115 Matt Taylor 

Towcester Rural East Wards

South Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Team