The Pattishall Produce Show Schedule has landed!


Full details of this year’s entries, timetable, prices, and more are on the Parish website and we look forward to another brilliant show with fabulous entries and a great vibe.


A few announcements before the Show begins:


Many thanks to Anita Gleave of Chatsworth Schools for once again generously agreeing to donate £1 for EACH child’s entry, and £5 for each adult who enters FIVE OR MORE classes across the sections.  Monies raised will be donated to our 2024 charity, “Oldies Club”, which places senior dogs in forever homes. You can find out more on their website below.


If you have an hour or two spare on Saturday evening 7 September to help to set up for the Show, or on Sunday 8 September to help during the day the Committee would be grateful. We are a small group and some extra willing hands make a huge difference to the smooth running of the day.


Jobs include helping to take in entries, serving refreshments, washing up (my personal favourite as it’s relatively quiet in the kitchen), selling raffle tickets, putting away after, or just being on hand in case something needs doing. Please contact Barry Evans 830523, or Sarah Cockerill to find out more. And if you have already signed up to help – thank you! – we will contact you towards the end of the summer.


Finally, if you were lucky enough to win a trophy at last year’s show, please return it to Barry at Pear Tree Farm, 14 High St, Astcote, by the end of August. Mine has had pride of place next to the TV, where it has done stalwart service holding the myriad remotes that we still seem to possess. I will miss it. Any questions, please message me via the Show or Village Facebook page and I’ll get back to you.


Have a great summer and see you at the Show!


Kirsten Gibbs


Please download the full schedule below and start planning your entries! You will also find the schedule in the centre pages of the summer edition of Around Pattishall.

