Parish Plan 2

Parish Plan 2 Update - June 2016 

A draft response to the SNC Local Plan part 2A Consultation was prepared on the SNC interactive questionnaire.  There are 43 questions; the process does not require an answer to all but the draft included a response for each one.  Several critical questions required consultation with the local community.


Following the open evenings on 19 and 26 May the Parish Council met to review the input and feedback and to consider recommendations. 


The recommendations from the sub-committee were tested and challenged by Parish Council with a particular emphasis on ensuring consistency across the three villages.  A number of changes to the draft response were requested.


It was agreed that the Parish Council's response to the SNC Local Plan part 2A should be sent to SNC on behalf of the Parish Council by Bob Illingworth, who is the registered person.


Extraordinary General Meeting June 2 - Minutes


Approved responses to the critical questions are shown below:


Settlement Heirarchy - questions 3 - 18


The SNC Sustainability Matrix currently shows Astcote, Eastcote and Pattishall scored separately with several errors.  The scoring has been corrected and an updated matrix sent to SNC as an attachment to the consultation response which indicates:


  • Services and facilities should be scored to represent the Parish as an entity, this would give a result of 78 points and a position circa 20 on the Settlements Heirarchy.
  • Superfast broadband should be added to the list of services and facilities in the very important band


Scale of Housing - questions 19 - 22


There are six options – alternate approaches to calculating the scale of housing for each settlement from now until 2029.  These were explained at the open evenings and all attendees given the opportunity to vote for their preferred option.


70% indicated Option 3

25% indicated Option 2

  5% indicated Option 6


The questionnaire response indicates:

  • Option 3 – 25 additional homes by 2029 distributed:


Astcote 6 (25%)

Eastcote 6 (25%)

Pattishall 13 (50%)


Note:  There are currently 11 developments/planning approvals in process, which reduce the numbers to Eastcote 5 and Pattishall 3 (For locations see proposed Confines Maps)


Special Landscape Areas - question 36


The questionnaire response indicates:


  • The parish would like the open countryside between the three villages considered as a special landscape area.  Pattishall Parish includes three villages and three hamlets, separated by open countryside.  A brook runs through the valley, which provides attractive views and is crossed by historic footpaths linking the settlements.  This open countryside is a very distinct, characteristic of the Parish much appreciated by residents for its recreational value and for its contribution to a rural lifestyle.  Protecting this rural asset is one of the key principles of our Vision for the Parish.


Confines review and re-establishment question 41


The questionnaire response indicates:


  • Pattishall Parish - we have tidied up the confines to boundaries on the ground (represented by blue lines) and included additional infill development land to meet the housing needs of the Parish based on Option 3 (represented by red lines). (See proposed Confines Maps)
  • Proposed Designated Green Spaces are also shown on the maps


The maps below are taken from the SNC Consultation Documents pack and have been overlayed with proposed changes to the Confines.  This is essentially to tidy up or correct existing boundaries on the ground.  For example:  to include Malus Field and a part of Shoemaker that was shown outside the current confines. (Represented by blue lines).  Limited infill development are represented by redlines. 


Development/approvals/potential approvals are shown as numbers in circles


The proposed maps, which will be sent to SNC as an attachment to the consultation response, can be viewed below:






SNC local Plan Part 2A - Consultation

The Consultation is now closed. The results will be published by 30 Dec 2016.


The Council is now consulting on the Local Plan Part 2A which provides the detail to the framework provided by the WNJCS.

This next level of planning policy is complex and detailed and consultations will be broken to down to focus on specific areas. 


The current consultation focuses on options for:


  • the scale and type of housing development at Parish and Settlement level
  • the location on new employment sites
  • policies on town centres and economic development
  • community/leisure development
  • environmental designations; including green spaces and special landscape areas
  • policies required to manage development in a sustainable way


Read more


Individuals and other interested parties are invited to submit responses on their own behalf.  However, the Parish Council will be completing the questionnaire; the open meetings will give residents the opportunity to learn more about the consultation process and give feedback before the Parish Council response is submitted to SNC.


The Consultation is now closed. The results will be published by 30 Dec 2016.





PP2 Information

Parish Plan 2 Questionnaire

The text below announced the questionnaire that was used to launch the Parish Plan 2 consultation process and is retained on the website as a record.  The questionnaire is now closed to further reponses.


This questionnaire is about Pattishall Parish, prepared by members of the Pattishall Parish Plan 2 Committee. The purpose of this questionnaire is to seek your views on issues that were raised at the Open Forum on 29 June. Your responses will help shape the Parish Plan report that will be produced and submitted to the Parish Council in December this year.


We would be very grateful if you would take 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your responses are really important to progressing the Parish Plan - vital to shaping future housing development and the type of community in which you want to live.


The on-line questionnaire will remain open, accepting responses, until 31 October 2013. If you are unsure about how to complete the questionnaire, please call 01327 830829 or send an email to the address below.


Your response to the questionnaire is anonymous however, if you would like to become involved in preparing the Parish Plan or any other Parish activity, there is an opportunity to provide your contact details at the end of the questionnaire.


Many thanks for your support.


Yours sincerely

John Woollett
Chairman of the Pattishall Parish Plan 2 Committee


Print friendly copy of Questionnaire


The Parish Plan 2 Questionnaire will be distributed with the October - November 2013 issue of Around Pattishall.  It can be completed on-line by clicking this link or by filling in the paper copy.


If you plan to submit a paper copy a member of the Pattishall Parish Plan Committee or your Neighbourhood Watch Street Warden will call to collect your completed questionnaire during week commencing 21 October 2013.


If you are unsure about how to complete the questionnaire, or require a larger print size please call 01327 830829. 


If you need another questionnaire click here for a print friendly copy.

Parish Plan update February 2013



The introduction of new legislation – the Localism Bill - invites ‘neighbourhoods’ to produce plans that incorporate resident’s views on how their neighbourhood should be developed.


The Parish Council decided to support this new initiative and has set up a steering group to guide and progress the process.


PP2 Steering Group


John Woollett (Astcote)*                     Louise Wyman (Eastcote)

Rachel Gardener (Eastcote)*              David Edge (Eastcote)

Robert Hart (Pattishall)*                     Josie Bateman (Astcote)

                                                        Bob Illingworth (Pattishall)


*Parish Councillor


Although the current Parish Plan has achieved most of its goals the process is now more than five years old.  The introduction of the new legislation together with the requirement to identify current needs suggests now is a good time to go back to the community with a new questionnaire.  The resulting feedback can then form the basis of an updated Parish Plan - PP2, with local environment as a critical area of focus.


Advice received from South Northants Council suggests we should consider an environmental assessment including a review of the village confines, identifying areas of important green space and gathering potential housing needs for the next 15 years. When development is planned it should be carried out such that it is in harmony with its setting and contributes to the conservation and, where possible, enhancement of the local environment.  The current Village Design Statements are a useful start point but they were prepared some years ago and could usefully be updated.


The new steering group has met to begin mapping out the process for PP2 and the approach for consultation with the community.  An Open Forum will be planned ahead of the new questionnaire and regular updates will be included in Around Pattishall and on the Parish website.