Parish Council
The Parish Council are an elected body of volunteers. Anyone over the
age of 18, who is a resident of the Parish, can stand for election. Elections are held every four years. Any interim vacancies can be filled by co-option. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected each year.
The Council meets in the Parish Hall at 7.00pm on the second Thursday of month (except August) and is supported by a professional Parish Clerk. Meeting Agenda and Minutes are posted on the village notice boards and the website:
Parishioners can raise matters at a Parish Council Meeting under the agenda item 'Parishioners Points'
Parish Council Responsibilities
The main responsibility is to look after the Parish on behalf of Parishioners. It identifies the 'needs' of the Parish and manages actions required including:
- Street Lighting
- Maintenance and repair of street furniture
- Grass mowing throughout the six villages in the Parish
- Litter and dog waste bins
It also the forum to handle complaints and disputes raised by Parishioners.
The Parish Council lobbies other agencies to improve and repair water and sewage services, roads, footpaths, byways, bridle paths and highways.
The Parish Council is consulted on Planning and Housing matters although policy and final decisions are made by West Northamptonshire Council (WNC).
Councillors and Meeting information sheet - updated January 2025